114 new COVID-19 cases in Monroe County, fewest hospitalizations since Nov. 23


ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WROC) — Officials from the Monroe County Department of Public Health reported 114 new COVID-19 cases Tuesday.

The county is now averaging 162 new cases per day over the past week. The county has a seven-day rolling average positivity rate of 2.2%

Data courtesy Monroe County Department of Public Health

County officials reported no new COVID-19 deaths Tuesday, keeping the county’s to-date total to 1,069. Tuesday marked the fourth straight day with zero COVID-19 deaths reported in Monroe County.

Officials say 301 people in the Finger Lakes region are hospitalized with the virus, including 74 in an ICU. It’s the fewest number of regional virus hospitalizations reported since November 23 (289).

Data courtesy Monroe County Department of Public Health

According to the health department, the region has 40% available hospital capacity, and 36% available ICU capacity.

According to the state’s surge and flex plan, if a region’s available hospital capacity trends to 10%, it would initiate a red zone designation which would effectively shut down all non-essential businesses.

Ages of the new cases are as follows:

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